Diagnostic Assessments
& Screeners
All tests are given in an online format.
You will be provided a written assessment of all of the results.

Dyslexia Screener

A Dyslexia screener will identify those at risk for dyslexia.
We look at rapid automatic naming (RAN), working memory, phonemic & other phonological awareness skills.
Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST)

PAST is a phonological awareness assessment. This assessment allows for our tutors to learn exactly which areas your child will need explicit instruction and practice. Your child will be assessed on phonemes, onsets, rimes, and syllables. Supporting phonological awareness increases reading and spelling skills as it helps children learn how to take words apart sound by sound.
WIST (The Word Identification & Spelling Test)

The Word Identification and Spelling Test (WIST) is a nationally standardized, diagnostic instrument that gives detailed information of where a student is having difficulty with reading and/or spelling so appropriate instructional interventions can be developed. It measures Word Identification, Spelling, and Sound-Symbol Knowledge.
**The best thing about the WIST is that it breaks down the information syllable by syllable so you can use that information to specifically target where a breakdown is occurring.**
WADE (Wilson Assessment of Decoding and Encoding)

The Wilson® Assessment of Decoding and Encoding (WADE) is a curriculum-based measure which specifically assesses a student’s decoding and encoding (spelling) skills correlated to the word structures taught in Wilson Reading System®. The WADE is aligned to the scope and sequence of the Wilson Reading System in order to both guide instruction and determine mastery.
CTOPP-2: Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing

CTOPP-2 measures phonological awareness, phonological memory, and naming.
Identifies individuals whose phonological abilities are significantly below their peers.
Determine strengths and weaknesses in phonological processing skills.
Documents progress in phonological processing following an intervention.
Collects data for phonological processing
Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessment

The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessment is a comprehensive tool designed to evaluate and strengthen early literacy skills in young learners. Through interactive and engaging activities, it assesses students' abilities to recognize and manipulate individual sounds in spoken language. This evidence-based assessment helps educators identify areas of improvement, allowing for targeted instruction and support. With its user-friendly approach, the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessment empowers teachers to foster strong foundations in phonemic awareness, ensuring children's success in reading and language development.
When it comes to dyslexia and other learning disabilities, early detection is key. Use this guide to help you determine if your child might be at risk of having dyslexia or another learning disability.